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Working During a Pandemic

It's difficult but you can still remotely work from home during this difficult time once your needs are taken care of.

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There's no doubt you've heard about the COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus. It's already impacted millions around the world as each day cases are growing in numbers. As of Mar 11, 2020 WHO has declared the coronavirus outbreak a global pandemic.

There are talks about a downturn or a slowdown of the economy because of it as more and more people are opting to work from home if they can. For some, working at home it's mandated.

Many countries like Italy has closed off its borders, while flights to and from Europe and US are canceled and major sports leagues such as the NBA has canceled their seasons.

While it's not the first time we're experiencing a virus like this, it is one of the most recent and has gotten more media coverage than others. To see the latest reports, see WHO's sites and in the meantime, here's how to work better during a pandemic.

1. Precautions

When flying, the staff always say to put your mask on yourself before others and there's a good reason why. You can't help others as easily if you're struggling.

In addition to having good general hygiene, the World Health Organization recommends to wash your hands frequently and maintain a slight social distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Now it doesn't mean completely alienating others as the world is completely downhill, take reasonable measures and learn to be content with it.

This also means that others will most likely share the same issue. If that means that they're wearing a mask, do a video call instead of meeting in person or don't want to shake hands, you should respect their wishes. It should be the same if someone in your organization needs more time because they're feeling under the weather.

2. Mindset

It's no surprise that there is an increase in racist language and tones around the world against many communities. Some are absurd such as avoiding Chinese restaurants or all Asian people directly.

Instead of spreading false information and theories, look to reliable information such as WHO and their references to understand the true nature of the virus and how to deal with it.

At the same time, you need to understand that this will be a slower downturn for a lot of businesses and meetings.

Not only have large conferences and gatherings such as the Mobile Work Congress & Shopify Unite been canceled, but others in the future might also be as well.

Similarly, as everyone is starting to take a hit on this one, understand that it'll be okay and adjust your schedule and organization accordingly. So don't take it personally as others are facing the same struggles.

3. System

Working from home will be different from working in an office if you're not used to it. Some people are able to do so, other professions won't as much.

If your organization hasn't developed work from home policies, this is the best testing ground for it as with hundreds of other companies.

Working from home or working remotely can be challenging, the video above is where I share the best ways to be productive based on my 8+ year experience and the video below is about setting up your home office.

To improve your productivity, see this post to improve your working schedule when you're working from home.

Let's face it, we all hope this outbreak gets contained and resolved quickly without any further losses. It's best to work how you can with what you're given and don't take it too personally.

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